Tips, Best Practices, and Troubleshooting

9. Tips, Best Practices, and Troubleshooting

This section provides essential guidance for optimizing bot performance, managing resources effectively, ensuring security, and troubleshooting common issues in Telebot Creator. By following these practices, you can create highly reliable, efficient, and secure bots.

9.1 Tips for Optimizing Your Bot

Efficient Point Usage

  1. Combine Actions into a Single Command:

    • Reduce redundant commands by combining related actions.

    bot.sendMessage("Use /help for instructions.")

    Combine into one:

    bot.sendMessage("Welcome! Use /help for instructions.")
  2. Use Targeted Broadcasts:

    • Use Bot.broadcast() to reach your audience efficiently instead of manual loops.

  3. Schedule Tasks Appropriately:

    • Use runCommandAfter for periodic tasks to avoid invoking commands unnecessarily.

    Bot.runCommandAfter(3600, "send_reminder")  # Execute a reminder after 1 hour
  4. Minimize Repeated API Calls:

    • Cache data that doesn't change frequently (e.g., user statistics or configuration).

Enhancing Performance

  1. Handle Large User Bases:

    • Use asynchronous operations and efficient workflows to manage broadcasts or commands.

    • Limit unnecessary broadcasts to inactive users.

  2. Optimize User Interactions:

    • Use handleNextCommand to guide users through workflows instead of using multiple commands.

  3. Efficient Error Handling:

    • Log and analyze errors for better debugging:

          bot.sendMessage("Attempting an action...")
      except Exception as e:
          Bot.saveData("last_error", str(e))
          bot.sendMessage(f"Error occurred: {e}")

Improving Security

  1. Secure Sensitive Data:

    • Encrypt user data (e.g., emails or payment information) before saving it.

  2. Dynamic Webhook Generation:

    • Generate secure webhook URLs with libs.Webhook.getUrlFor and validate inputs:

      webhook_url = libs.Webhook.getUrlFor("process_data", user_id=12345)
  3. Restrict API Access:

    • Use API keys for authentication when interacting with external systems.

  4. Data Minimization:

    • Store only the data you need to avoid unnecessary risk.

9.2 Best Practices

Developing Reliable Workflows

  1. Use Multi-Step Commands:

    • Break complex processes into smaller steps using handleNextCommand.

    bot.sendMessage("What’s your name?")
  2. Validate Inputs:

    • Always validate user inputs to prevent errors or misuse.

    if not params.isnumeric():
        bot.sendMessage("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.")

Optimizing Bot Features

  1. Leverage Built-In Libraries:

    • Use libraries like libs.CSV for data management or libs.Random for randomization.

  2. Monitor Points Usage:

    • Use to track points and optimize commands accordingly.

    details ="123456")
    bot.sendMessage(f"Points left: {details.account_points}")
  3. Use Test Runs for Broadcasts:

    • Validate your broadcast before deploying to avoid errors or excessive point usage.

        text="Testing the broadcast system."

9.3 Troubleshooting Common Issues

Command Errors

  • Issue: The bot doesn’t respond to a command.

  • Causes:

    • Command is misspelled or case-sensitive mismatch.

    • Missing parameters in the command.

  • Solution:

    • Verify the command exists and is spelled correctly.

    • Ensure required parameters are passed.

Broadcast Failures

  • Issue: Broadcast does not execute or returns an error.

  • Causes:

    • Too many running broadcasts (limit: 2 per bot, 1000 globally).

    • Invalid or unsupported function.

  • Solution:

    • Check broadcast limits:

          text="Broadcast Test Message"
    • Use only supported functions for broadcasting.

Webhook Issues

  • Issue: Webhook does not trigger the intended command.

  • Causes:

    • Incorrect webhook URL.

    • Command does not exist in the bot.

  • Solution:

    • Validate webhook URL generation:

      webhook_url = libs.Webhook.getUrlFor("update_event", user_id=12345)
      bot.sendMessage(f"Webhook URL: {webhook_url}")
    • Ensure the command is properly defined in the bot.

Payment Errors

  • Issue: Payments fail or do not register.

  • Causes:

    • Incorrect API keys or misconfigured payment gateway.

    • Network issues between bot and payment service.

  • Solution:

    • Verify API keys and gateway settings:

      libs.Coinbase.setKeys("API_KEY", "SECRET")
      client =

Bot Transfer Issues

  • Issue: Bot transfer fails.

  • Causes:

    • Insufficient points (minimum 200 required).

    • Invalid bot_id or api_key.

  • Solution:

    • Check points using

      details ="123456")
      bot.sendMessage(f"Points available: {details.account_points}")

General Debugging Tips

  1. Log Errors:

    • Use Bot.saveData() to log errors for analysis:

      except Exception as e:
          Bot.saveData("last_error", str(e))
          bot.sendMessage(f"Error: {e}")
  2. Verify Configurations:

    • Double-check settings for commands, libraries, and webhooks.

9.4 Advanced Tips

Monitor Bot Performance

  • Use to retrieve metrics like status, user engagement, and remaining points:

    details ="123456")
    bot.sendMessage(f"Bot Status: {details.status}, Points Left: {details.account_points}")

Scale with Multi-Bot Management

  • Enable communication between multiple bots using webhooks:

    webhook_url = libs.Webhook.getUrlFor(
    bot.sendMessage(f"Webhook for another bot: {webhook_url}")

Secure API Keys and Tokens

  • Regularly rotate API keys and ensure they are not exposed in public logs or repositories

9.5 Advanced Use Cases for Tips and Best Practices

1. Efficient Data Management with CSV

Telebot Creator's libs.CSV library allows you to handle large datasets effectively. Use this for leaderboards, attendance tracking, or survey results.

Example: Create and Update a Leaderboard

csv_handler = libs.CSV.CSVHandler("leaderboard.csv")
csv_handler.create_csv(["Name", "Points"])

# Add or update a user’s points
csv_handler.add_row({"Name": "Alice", "Points": 100})
csv_handler.edit_row(0, {"Name": "Alice", "Points": 150})  # Update Alice's points

leaderboard = csv_handler.get()
bot.sendMessage(f"Leaderboard: {leaderboard}")

2. Payment Handling with Coinbase

Efficiently handle payments using libs.Coinbase. Automate user interactions based on payment status.

Example: Automate Subscription Payments

libs.Coinbase.setKeys("API_KEY", "SECRET")
client =

# Create a payment request
payment = client.createCharge({
    "name": "Subscription",
    "description": "Monthly Subscription",
    "local_price": {"amount": "10.00", "currency": "USD"},
    "pricing_type": "fixed_price"

bot.sendMessage(f"Pay here: {payment['hosted_url']}")

# Check payment status
charge_id = payment["id"]
status = client.retrieveCharge(charge_id)["status"]

if status == "CONFIRMED":
    bot.sendMessage("Thank you for your payment!")
    bot.sendMessage(f"Payment is still pending. Status: {status}")

3. Dynamic Webhook Management

Using libs.Webhook.getUrlFor, you can dynamically create webhooks for real-time event handling.

Example: Notify Users on External Events

webhook_url = libs.Webhook.getUrlFor(
bot.sendMessage(f"Webhook URL: {webhook_url}")

Handle Notifications in the notify_user Command:

bot.sendMessage("You’ve received a new notification!")

4. Combining Multi-Step Interactions with Reminders

Create workflows that interact with users and automate follow-ups.

Example: Survey with Reminders

  1. Collect user input:

    bot.sendMessage("What’s your favorite color?")
  2. Save the input and set a reminder:

    color = msg
    User.saveData("favorite_color", color)
    bot.sendMessage(f"Got it! Your favorite color is {color}.")
    Bot.runCommandAfter(3600, "send_reminder")
  3. Send the reminder:

    bot.sendMessage("Don’t forget to tell your friends about our bot!")

9.6 Advanced Debugging Techniques

1. Track Errors Over Time

Store error logs with timestamps for later analysis:

import time

except Exception as e:
    error_log = f"[{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}] {str(e)}"
    Bot.saveData("error_log", error_log)
    bot.sendMessage(f"An error occurred: {e}")

Retrieve and review logs:

logs = Bot.getData("error_log")
bot.sendMessage(f"Error Logs:\n{logs}")

2. Use Test Runs for Broadcasts

Before sending a broadcast to all users, validate it with a test run:

    text="Testing broadcast system."

9.7 Real-World Scenarios for Best Practices

Scenario 1: Handling a Viral Campaign

When a bot receives an influx of users due to a campaign:

  • Use caching for common responses to reduce API calls.

  • Implement a queue system for processing tasks like rewards or verifications.

Scenario 2: Managing High Broadcast Demand

If multiple broadcasts are required:

  • Use Bot.broadcast() with precise targeting to avoid exceeding limits.

  • Monitor broadcasts with:

    status = self.db['broadstatus'].find({"status": "running"})
    bot.sendMessage(f"Current running broadcasts: {len(list(status))}")

Scenario 3: Secure Payment Bot

  • Rotate API keys regularly.

  • Use callback_url to handle payment confirmations securely:

        text="Your subscription has been activated!",

9.8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why isn’t my command executing?

  • Check: Ensure the command exists and matches the trigger exactly.

  • Fix: Verify case sensitivity and parameter requirements.

2. What should I do if a webhook fails?

  • Check: Confirm the webhook URL and command are valid.

  • Fix: Regenerate the webhook with:

    libs.Webhook.getUrlFor(command="my_command", user_id=12345)

3. Why are broadcasts limited?

  • Reason: Each bot is limited to 2 broadcasts to ensure system stability.

  • Fix: Wait for existing broadcasts to complete or optimize the broadcast content.

4. How do I secure sensitive data?

  • Best Practices:

    • Encrypt data before storage.

    • Restrict access to commands handling sensitive data.

Last updated