Command in TPY

3. Commands in TPY

Commands are the backbone of every bot built on Telebot Creator. They define how a bot responds to specific inputs from users, such as messages or commands like /start or /help. This section explains what commands are, how to write them using TPY (Telebot Python), and advanced techniques for chaining commands, handling user interactions, and adding interactivity.

3.1 What Are Commands?

  • A command is a predefined trigger in your bot that responds to specific user messages. For example:

    • /start: Greets the user and provides an introduction.

    • /help: Displays a list of available commands and their usage.

  • Commands can perform actions like:

    • Sending messages or media.

    • Handling user inputs dynamically.

    • Running scheduled tasks or interacting with APIs.

3.2 Writing Commands in TPY

TPY (Telebot Python) is a customized, lightweight version of Python designed for Telebot Creator. It simplifies the process of writing commands while providing powerful tools for bot development.

Example of a Basic Command

Here’s how you create a /start command that sends a welcome message:

bot.sendMessage("Welcome to my bot! Use /help to see available commands.")

3.3 Using Variables and Parameters

Variables in TPY allow you to customize responses and interact dynamically with users.

Accessing User Information

You can use variables like message.from_user.first_name to personalize your messages. For example:

first_name = message.from_user.first_name
bot.sendMessage(f"Hello {first_name}, welcome to my bot!")

Handling Command Parameters

Commands can accept parameters passed by users. For example, in /start 12345, the parameter 12345 can be accessed as params:

refer_id = params
bot.sendMessage(f"You were referred by ID: {refer_id}.")

3.4 Handling User Interactions

TPY provides several methods to manage and guide user interactions effectively.

1. handleNextCommand

This method waits for the user’s next input and routes it to a specific command.


bot.sendMessage("Please enter your email:")

In the process_email command:

email = msg
bot.sendMessage(f"Thank you! We received your email: {email}.")

2. runCommand

This method allows you to trigger another command immediately.


bot.sendMessage("Redirecting you to the /help command...")

3. runCommandAfter

This schedules a command to execute after a specified delay (in seconds).


bot.sendMessage("You will receive a message in 5 seconds.")
bot.runCommandAfter(5, "delayed_message")

In the delayed_message command:

bot.sendMessage("This is the delayed message!")

3.5 Advanced Command Techniques

Wildcard Master Command (*)

The wildcard (*) command captures any input that doesn’t match a predefined command. This is useful for creating fallback responses.


bot.sendMessage("Sorry, I didn’t understand that. Type /help for a list of commands.")

At Handler Command (@)

The at handler (@) command executes before any other command. Use it for preprocessing messages or logging user activity.


bot.sendMessage("Processing your request...")
# Continue to other commands

3.6 Examples of Common Commands

1. Greet Users

bot.sendMessage("Welcome! Use /help to get started.")

2. Display Help Menu

Here are the available commands:
/start - Start the bot
/help - Show this help menu
/points - Check your current points

3. Check User Points

points = left_points
bot.sendMessage(f"You have {points} points remaining in your account.")

4. Collect User Input

bot.sendMessage("What’s your favorite color?")

In the save_color command:

color = msg
User.saveData("favorite_color", color)
bot.sendMessage(f"Got it! Your favorite color is {color}.")

3.7 Chaining Commands

Commands can be chained together to create complex workflows. For example, a multi-step form:

  1. Ask for the user’s name:

    bot.sendMessage("What’s your name?")
  2. Process the name and ask for the email:

    name = msg
    User.saveData("name", name)
    bot.sendMessage(f"Hi {name}! Now, what’s your email?")
  3. Process the email and confirm:

    email = msg
    User.saveData("email", email)
    bot.sendMessage("Thank you! Your details have been saved.")


Commands in TPY are the heart of every bot on Telebot Creator. By mastering command creation, parameter handling, and advanced techniques like chaining and scheduling, you can build bots that are interactive, intelligent, and highly functional.

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