TBC Libraries (Libs)

Libraries, often called libs, in Telebot Creator (TBC) enhance the basic TPY functionalities by offering pre-built modules for specific tasks. These libraries make it easier and faster to add advanced features to your Telegram bots, such as handling payments, managing blockchain transactions, working with data, generating random values, and more.

5.1 Overview of Libraries

TBC libraries are grouped based on their functionalities to help you develop bots efficiently:

  • Payment Integrations: Automate payments using popular services.

  • Blockchain Transactions: Manage cryptocurrency transfers and transactions.

  • Data Handling: Work with data easily using CSV files.

  • Randomization: Generate random numbers or strings for games and giveaways.

  • Resource Management: Track points, credits, or other resources for users or globally.

5.2 Key Libraries and Their Functions

Here are the main libraries available in TBC, along with their key functions and examples of how to use them:

1. libs.ARB

Handles transactions on the Arbitrum (ARB) blockchain.

  • Functions:

    • setKeys(private_key): Sets your private key for ARB transactions.

    • send(value, to, contract, private_key=None): Sends tokens via a contract.

    • sendARB(value, to, private_key=None): Sends ARB cryptocurrency.

  • Example:

    libs.ARB.sendARB(1.5, "recipient_wallet_address")

2. libs.CSV

Simplifies data management with CSV files.

  • Class:

    • CSVHandler(filename): Manages a specific CSV file.

  • Methods:

    • create_csv(headers): Creates a new CSV file with headers.

    • add_row(row): Adds a new row of data.

    • edit_row(row_index, row): Edits an existing row.

    • get(): Retrieves information about the CSV file.

    • delete(): Deletes the CSV file.

  • Example:

    csv = libs.CSV.CSVHandler("data.csv")
    csv.create_csv(["Name", "Points", "Date"])
    csv.add_row({"Name": "Alice", "Points": 100, "Date": "2025-01-01"})

3. libs.Coinbase

Integrates with the Coinbase payment gateway for cryptocurrency transactions.

  • Functions:

    • setKeys(api_key, secret): Sets your Coinbase API keys.

    • post(api_key=None, secret=None): Returns a Coinbase client instance.

  • Example:

    libs.Coinbase.setKeys("your_api_key", "your_secret_key")
    client = libs.Coinbase.post()

4. libs.Crypto

Provides tools for cryptocurrency conversions and pricing.

  • Functions:

    • convert(_from, _to, _amount): Converts an amount from one cryptocurrency to another.

    • get_price(currency, price_in): Gets the current price of a cryptocurrency.

  • Example:

    price = libs.Crypto.get_price("BTC", "USD")
    bot.sendMessage(f"The current price of BTC in USD is {price}.")

5. libs.Random

Generates random numbers and strings for various uses.

  • Functions:

    • randomInt(min, max): Returns a random integer between min and max.

    • randomStr(length, char_set=None): Returns a random string of the specified length.

    • randomFloat(min, max): Returns a random float between min and max.

    • randomAscii(length): Returns a random ASCII string.

  • Example:

    random_number = libs.Random.randomInt(1, 100)
    bot.sendMessage(f"Your random number is: {random_number}")
    random_string = libs.Random.randomStr(8)
    bot.sendMessage(f"Your random string is: {random_string}")

6. libs.Polygon

Supports transactions on the Polygon blockchain.

  • Functions:

    • setKeys(private_key): Sets your private key for Polygon transactions.

    • send(value, to, contract, private_key=None): Sends tokens via a contract.

    • sendPolygon(value, to, private_key=None): Sends MATIC tokens.

  • Example:

    libs.Polygon.sendPolygon(2.0, "recipient_wallet_address")

7. libs.Resources

Manages numeric values tied to users or globally for tracking points or credits.

  • Classes:

    • userRes(name, user): Manages resources for a specific user.

    • globalRes(name): Manages global resources.

  • Methods:

    • value(): Gets the current value.

    • add(amount): Adds to the resource.

    • cut(amount): Subtracts from the resource.

    • set(amount): Sets the resource to a specific value.

    • reset(): Resets the resource to zero.

    • getAllData(length): Retrieves top resource entries.

  • Example:

    points = libs.Resources.userRes("points", user)
    current_points = points.value()
    bot.sendMessage(f"You now have {current_points} points!")

8. libs.Paytm

Integrates with the Paytm payment gateway for fund transfers and automated payments.

  • Functions:

    • setKeys(key, mid, token): Sets your Paytm merchant credentials.

    • send(amount, number, description=None, key=None, mid=None, token=None): Sends a payment to a phone number.

  • Example:

    libs.Paytm.setKeys("merchant_key", "merchant_id", "auth_token")
    libs.Paytm.send(100, "9876543210", "Payment for services")

9. libs.TTcoin

Handles transactions using TTcoin cryptocurrency.

  • Functions:

    • setKeys(private_key): Sets your TTcoin private key.

    • sendTT(value, to, private_key=None): Sends TTcoin to an address.

  • Example:

    libs.TTcoin.sendTT(50, "recipient_wallet_address")

10. libs.Tomochain

Supports transactions on the Tomochain network.

  • Functions:

    • setKeys(private_key): Sets your Tomochain private key.

    • sendTRC20(value, to, contract, private_key=None): Sends TRC20 tokens.

    • sendTomochain(value, to, private_key=None): Sends TOMO coins.

  • Example:

    libs.Tomochain.sendTomochain(5, "recipient_wallet_address")

11. libs.Webhook

The libs.Webhook library in Telebot Creator allows you to create and manage webhooks for seamless external integrations. Webhooks enable bots to respond to real-time updates from external systems, such as payment notifications or user actions.


  1. getUrlFor(command, user_id=None, chat_id=None, bot_id=None, api_key=None, **options)

    • Description: Generates a webhook URL for invoking a specific command, optionally tied to a specific user, chat, or another bot.

    • Function Syntax:

          command: str,
          user_id: Optional[str] = None,
          chat_id: Optional[str] = None,
          bot_id: Optional[str] = None,
          api_key: Optional[str] = None,
          **options: Any
    • Parameters:

      • command (str): The command to be triggered by the webhook.

      • user_id (Optional[str]): The user ID associated with the webhook.

      • chat_id (Optional[str]): The chat ID associated with the webhook.

      • bot_id (Optional[str]): The ID of the bot for which the webhook is being generated. If provided, api_key is required.

      • api_key (Optional[str]): The API key of the bot owner. Used for validation when bot_id is specified.

      • **options: Additional options to customize the webhook behavior.

    • In webhook commands, the incoming response data is stored in options, not message. The options dictionary includes two keys:

      • data: The raw incoming data.

      • json: A parsed JSON object from the webhook payload.

    • Examples:

      Basic Webhook URL:

      webhook_url = libs.Webhook.getUrlFor("process_payment", user_id=12345)
      bot.sendMessage(f"Webhook URL: {webhook_url}")

      Webhook for Another Bot:

      webhook_url = libs.Webhook.getUrlFor(
      bot.sendMessage(f"Webhook URL for another bot: {webhook_url}")

      Webhook with Additional Options:

      webhook_url = libs.Webhook.getUrlFor(
          options={"options": "example", "redirect_to": "https://example.com/callback"}
      bot.sendMessage(f"Custom Webhook URL: {webhook_url}")

Use Cases

  • Payment Confirmation: Generate webhook URLs for real-time payment updates from external systems.

  • Bot-to-Bot Communication: Use bot_id and api_key to enable bots to trigger commands in each other.

  • Dynamic Event Handling: Pass additional options to customize webhook behavior based on the event.

12. libs.DateAndTime

Works with dates and times.

  • Functions:

    • utcnow(): Gets the current UTC date and time.

    • date_now(): Gets the current UTC date.

    • time(): Gets the current UNIX timestamp.

    • now(timezone_str): Gets the current date and time in a specific timezone.

  • Example:

    current_time = libs.DateAndTime.utcnow()
    bot.sendMessage(f"The current UTC time is: {current_time}")

13. libs.Oxapay

Integrates the Oxapay payment system for merchants.

  • Functions:

    • post(merchant_api_key): Initializes the Oxapay client with your API key.

  • Example:

    client = libs.Oxapay.post("your_merchant_api_key")
    bot.sendMessage("Oxapay client initialized!")

14. libs.customHTTP

Performs HTTP requests with limitations on data size and timeouts, we use it as HTTP class but if you want you can use this lib, this lib provides 30 seconds timeout and it can receive contene upto 20 mb.

  • Class:

    • CustomHTTP(): Creates an HTTP client.

  • Methods:

    • get(url, **kwargs): Performs a GET request.

    • post(url, **kwargs): Performs a POST request.

    • put(url, **kwargs): Performs a PUT request.

    • head(url, **kwargs): Performs a HEAD request.

    • options(url, **kwargs): Performs an OPTIONS request.

    • patch(url, **kwargs): Performs a PATCH request.

    • close(): Closes the HTTP session.

  • Example:

    http_client = libs.customHTTP()
    response = http_client.get("https://api.example.com/data")
    bot.sendMessage(f"Response: {response}")

15. libs.web3lib

Enables transactions on Ethereum-compatible blockchains.

  • Functions:

    • setKeys(private_key): Sets your private key for web3 transactions.

    • sendETHER(value, to, contract, rpc_url, gasPrice=None, private_key=None): Sends tokens on an Ethereum network.

    • sendPolygon(value, to, private_key=None): Sends MATIC tokens.

  • Example:

    libs.web3lib.sendETHER(1, "recipient_wallet_address", "contract_address", "https://rpc_url")

5.3 Example Use Cases for Libraries

Here are some real-world scenarios where these libraries can be applied:

Payment Automation

Automate payments for subscriptions or services using payment libraries.

  • Example:

    libs.Paytm.setKeys("merchant_key", "merchant_id", "auth_token")
    libs.Paytm.send(500, "1234567890", "Subscription payment")

User Data Tracking

Manage user data for referral systems or leaderboards with the CSV library.

  • Example:

    csv = libs.CSV.CSVHandler("referrals.csv")
    csv.add_row({"User": "Bob", "Referrals": 5})

Crypto Payment Bots

Handle cryptocurrency transactions for services or rewards using blockchain libraries.

  • Example:

    libs.Polygon.sendPolygon(2.0, "recipient_wallet_address")

Random Giveaways

Use the Random library to create giveaways or dynamic responses.

  • Example:

    random_number = libs.Random.randomInt(1, 100)
    bot.sendMessage(f"Your random number is: {random_number}")

Webhook Integrations

Connect your bot with external services using the Webhook library.

  • Example:

    webhook_url = libs.Webhook.getUrlFor("process_payment", user_id=12345)
    bot.sendMessage(f"Webhook URL: {webhook_url}")

5.4 Additional Libraries

Here are the remaining libraries available in TBC:


Handles TTcoin cryptocurrency transactions.

  • Functions:

    • setKeys(private_key): Sets your TTcoin private key.

    • sendTT(value, to, private_key=None): Sends TTcoin to an address.

  • Example:

    libs.TTcoin.sendTT(50, "recipient_wallet_address")


Supports Tomochain network transactions.

  • Functions:

    • setKeys(private_key): Sets your Tomochain private key.

    • sendTRC20(value, to, contract, private_key=None): Sends TRC20 tokens.

    • sendTomochain(value, to, private_key=None): Sends TOMO coins.

  • Example:

    libs.Tomochain.sendTomochain(5, "recipient_wallet_address")


Enables Ethereum-compatible blockchain transactions.

  • Functions:

    • setKeys(private_key): Sets your private key.

    • sendETHER(value, to, contract, rpc_url, gasPrice=None, private_key=None): Sends Ether or tokens.

    • sendPolygon(value, to, private_key=None): Sends MATIC tokens.

  • Example:

    libs.web3lib.sendETHER(1, "recipient_wallet_address", "contract_address", "https://rpc_url")

5.5 Summary of Libraries



Key Functions


Arbitrum blockchain transactions

setKeys, send, sendARB


Data management with CSV files

create_csv, add_row, edit_row, get, delete


Coinbase payment integration

setKeys, post


Cryptocurrency conversions and pricing

convert, get_price


Generating random numbers and strings

randomInt, randomStr, randomFloat, randomAscii


Polygon blockchain transactions

setKeys, send, sendPolygon


Managing user and global resources

value, add, cut, set, reset, getAllData


Paytm payment integration

setKeys, send


TTcoin cryptocurrency transactions

setKeys, sendTT


Tomochain network transactions

setKeys, sendTRC20, sendTomochain


Creating and managing webhooks

genRandomId, getUrlFor


Working with dates and times

utcnow, date_now, time, now


Oxapay payment integration



Performing HTTP requests with constraints

get, post, put, delete, head, options, patch, close


Ethereum-compatible blockchain transactions

setKeys, sendETHER, sendPolygon

5.6 Real-World Applications of Libraries

Here are some practical examples of how you can use these libraries in your bots:

Crypto Payment Bots

Handle cryptocurrency payments for services or rewards.

  • Example:

    libs.Polygon.sendPolygon(2.0, "recipient_wallet_address")

Referral and Loyalty Systems

Manage user points or rewards for referrals and other actions.

  • Example:

    points = libs.Resources.userRes("points", user)
    current_points = points.value()
    bot.sendMessage(f"You now have {current_points} points!")

Data-Driven Decisions

Log and analyze user data or create leaderboards using CSV files.

  • Example:

    csv = libs.CSV.CSVHandler("leaderboard.csv")
    csv.add_row({"User": "Charlie", "Score": 250})

Automated Payments

Use Paytm or Coinbase libraries to automate payment transfers.

  • Example:

    libs.Paytm.setKeys("merchant_key", "merchant_id", "auth_token")
    libs.Paytm.send(100, "9876543210", "Payment for services")

Random Giveaways

Create random giveaways or generate unique codes.

  • Example:

    random_number = libs.Random.randomInt(1, 100)
    bot.sendMessage(f"Your random number is: {random_number}")

By using these libraries, you can significantly extend the capabilities of your Telegram bots, making them more interactive, efficient, and feature-rich. Whether you need to handle payments, manage data, or integrate with blockchain technologies, TBC’s libraries provide the tools you need to build powerful bots with ease.

Last updated