Glossary and Key Concepts

11. Glossary and Key Concepts

This section provides definitions and explanations of key terms and concepts in Telebot Creator. Understanding these terms is crucial for effectively building and managing bots on the platform.

11.1 Introduction

The Telebot Creator platform uses a variety of specialized terms and concepts to define its functionality. This glossary serves as a quick reference for users, ensuring they have a clear understanding of the platform's core elements and advanced features.

11.2 Key Terms

1. Bot API Token

  • Definition: A unique token provided by Telegram for authenticating and managing a bot. This token is required to link your bot with Telebot Creator.

  • Where to Get It: Use @BotFather on Telegram to create a new bot and retrieve its token.

2. TPY (Telebot Python)

  • Definition: A customized version of Python designed specifically for Telebot Creator. TPY simplifies bot development by offering built-in libraries, pre-defined variables, and a restricted, secure environment.

  • Example:

    bot.sendMessage("Welcome to my bot!")

3. Commands

  • Definition: Triggers in a bot that execute specific logic when a user sends a corresponding message. Commands typically start with a / (e.g., /start, /help).

  • Example:

    def start_command():
        bot.sendMessage("Hello! This is the start command.")

4. Points

  • Definition: The internal currency of Telebot Creator used to execute bot operations. Each command execution costs 1 point.

  • Monthly Allocation: Users receive 100,000 points per month for free.

  • Usage:

    points = left_points
    bot.sendMessage(f"You have {points} points remaining.")

5. Broadcast

  • Definition: A feature that sends messages or executes commands across multiple users simultaneously.

  • Example:

        text="Hello, everyone!"

6. Webhook

  • Definition: A URL that allows bots to receive real-time updates from external systems or trigger commands dynamically.

  • Example:

    webhook_url = libs.Webhook.getUrlFor(
    bot.sendMessage(f"Webhook URL: {webhook_url}")

7. Transfer

  • Definition: The process of transferring ownership of a bot from one Telebot Creator account to another.

  • Example:

    result = Bot.Transfer(
    bot.sendMessage(f"Bot successfully transferred to {result['bot_id']}.")

11.3 Libraries and Integrations

1. libs.CSV

  • Definition: A library for managing CSV files. Useful for storing and retrieving structured data like leaderboards or survey responses.

  • Example:

    csv_handler = libs.CSV.CSVHandler("data.csv")
    csv_handler.create_csv(["Name", "Points"])
    csv_handler.add_row({"Name": "Alice", "Points": 100})

2. libs.Coinbase

  • Definition: A library for handling cryptocurrency payments using Coinbase.

  • Example:

    libs.Coinbase.setKeys("API_KEY", "SECRET")
    client =
    payment = client.createCharge({
        "name": "Subscription",
        "description": "Monthly fee",
        "local_price": {"amount": "10.00", "currency": "USD"},
        "pricing_type": "fixed_price"
    bot.sendMessage(f"Pay here: {payment['hosted_url']}")

3. libs.Webhook

  • Definition: A library for generating and managing webhook URLs.

  • Example:

    webhook_url = libs.Webhook.getUrlFor(
    bot.sendMessage(f"Webhook URL: {webhook_url}")

4. libs.Polygon

  • Definition: A library for managing cryptocurrency transactions on the Polygon network.

  • Example:


11.4 Advanced Concepts

1. Multi-Step Workflows

  • Definition: A sequence of commands executed step-by-step based on user input.

  • Example:

    bot.sendMessage("What’s your name?")

2. Callback URLs

  • Definition: URLs used in broadcasts and webhooks to receive execution feedback or trigger additional processes.

  • Example:

        text="Thank you for subscribing!",

3. Sandbox Environment

  • Definition: A secure environment where bot commands are executed to prevent unauthorized actions or access.

4. Global Broadcast Limits

  • Definition: A system-wide limit of 1000 simultaneous broadcasts across all bots to ensure server stability.

11.5 Usage Examples

Broadcast Syntax

    text="Hello, everyone!"

Webhook Generation

webhook_url = libs.Webhook.getUrlFor(
bot.sendMessage(f"Webhook URL: {webhook_url}")

Dynamic Data Fetching

http_client = libs.customHTTP()
response = http_client.get("")
bot.sendMessage(f"API Response: {response.json()}")

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