Real-World Use Cases

8. Real-World Use Cases

This section demonstrates how to apply Telebot Creator’s features and libraries in real-world scenarios. By combining workflows, advanced commands, and external integrations, you can create bots that solve practical problems and enhance user engagement.

8.1 Referral System


A referral system tracks users who invite others to the bot and rewards them with points or other incentives. This use case involves:

  1. Generating unique referral links.

  2. Tracking referrals.

  3. Rewarding users based on their referral count.

  4. Displaying leaderboards for top referrers.


Step 1: Generate Unique Referral Links

In the /start command, include the user’s ID as a parameter to generate a referral link:

bot.sendMessage(f"Invite your friends using this link:{bot.username}?start={u}")

Step 2: Track Referrals

In the /start command, check if a referral ID is provided:

referrer_id = params
if referrer_id:
    referrer_points = libs.Resources.userRes("points", referrer_id)
    bot.sendMessage(f"User {referrer_id} has earned 10 points for referring you!")

Step 3: Reward Users

Track and display referral rewards dynamically:

user_points = libs.Resources.userRes("points", u)
bot.sendMessage(f"You have {user_points.value()} points!")

Step 4: Create a Leaderboard

Display the top referrers using libs.Resources:

top_referrers = libs.Resources.userRes("points").getAllData(5)
leaderboard = "\n".join([f"{i+1}. User {entry['user']}: {entry['value']} points" for i, entry in enumerate(top_referrers)])
bot.sendMessage(f"Top Referrers:\n{leaderboard}")

8.2 Payment Automation Bot


This bot automates payment handling using the libs.Coinbase library. It can:

  1. Generate payment requests.

  2. Confirm payment status.

  3. Notify users of successful payments.


Step 1: Set Up Coinbase Client

Configure the Coinbase client with your API keys:

libs.Coinbase.setKeys("your_api_key", "your_api_secret")
client =

Step 2: Generate Payment Requests

Request payment for specific amounts:

payment_details = client.createCharge({
    "name": "Subscription Payment",
    "description": "Monthly subscription fee",
    "local_price": {"amount": "10.00", "currency": "USD"},
    "pricing_type": "fixed_price"
bot.sendMessage(f"Please make your payment here: {payment_details['hosted_url']}")

Step 3: Verify Payment Status

Check payment status using the charge ID:

charge_id = "charge_id_from_payment"
status = client.retrieveCharge(charge_id)['status']
if status == "CONFIRMED":
    bot.sendMessage("Payment confirmed! Thank you!")
    bot.sendMessage(f"Payment status: {status}")

8.3 Survey and Data Collection Bot


This bot collects user input for surveys or forms and stores the data in a CSV file for easy analysis.


Step 1: Collect User Responses

Ask users a series of questions:

bot.sendMessage("What is your name?")

Store the responses:

name = msg
User.saveData("name", name)
bot.sendMessage("What is your email?")

Step 2: Save Data to CSV

Save the collected data into a CSV file using libs.CSV:

csv_handler = libs.CSV.CSVHandler("survey_data.csv")
csv_handler.create_csv(["Name", "Email"])
csv_handler.add_row({"Name": User.getData("name"), "Email": User.getData("email")})
bot.sendMessage("Your responses have been saved. Thank you!")

8.4 Crypto Airdrop Bot


This bot automates cryptocurrency distributions using the libs.Polygon library.


Step 1: Configure Polygon Keys

Set the private key for transactions:


Step 2: Automate Token Transfers

Send tokens to multiple recipients:

recipients = [
    {"address": "0xRecipient1", "amount": 10},
    {"address": "0xRecipient2", "amount": 15}

for recipient in recipients:
    bot.sendMessage(f"Sent {recipient['amount']} tokens to {recipient['address']}")

8.5 Real-Time Notification Bot


This bot uses libs.Webhook to send real-time updates based on external events, such as sales or user actions.


Step 1: Generate Webhook URL

Generate a webhook URL for notifications:

webhook_url = libs.Webhook.getUrlFor("send_notification", user_id=12345)
bot.sendMessage(f"Webhook URL: {webhook_url}")

Step 2: Process Webhook Events

Handle incoming webhook events in a command:

bot.sendMessage("You have a new sale! Congratulations!")

8.6 Event Management Bot


This bot manages events, allowing users to RSVP, receive reminders, and track attendance.


Step 1: RSVP System

Allow users to RSVP to an event:

bot.sendMessage("Would you like to attend the event? Reply with 'Yes' or 'No'.")

Store responses:

response = msg
if response.lower() == "yes":
    User.saveData("RSVP", "Yes")
    bot.sendMessage("Thank you for RSVPing!")
    bot.sendMessage("Maybe next time!")

Step 2: Event Reminders

Send reminders using runCommandAfter:

Bot.runCommandAfter(3600, "send_event_reminder")

In the reminder command:

bot.sendMessage("Reminder: The event starts in 1 hour!")

8.7 Tips and Best Practices

  1. Optimize Point Usage:

    • Combine commands where possible.

    • Use wildcards (*) for unstructured messages to reduce redundant commands.

  2. Handle Large User Bases:

    • Use in-built broadcasting strategies.

    • Target active users only.

  3. Secure Data:

    • Encrypt sensitive user data.

    • Use HTTPS webhooks for secure communication.

Last updated